What is a Sustainable Life?
At The Sustainable Life Learning Center, we define a sustainable life as one
that contributes to your well-being as well as the well-being of your family, your community, and our planet. We all need healthy food, clean air, clean water, proper shelter and clothing to sustain life. And we also need the safety and trust that comes from belonging to a community of caring people who support
one another.
How do we create this kind of community ? Explore this, and other pages of
this site for more details. You will find many ideas and a lot of information about how to live a more sustainable life starting now.
Weaving Circles
Weaving circles bring people together. And basic
weaving is easy to learn. It's also practical.
We can weave cloth to make clothing, kitchen
towels, tote bags and more. See our page on basic
weaving skills and ideas.

Compassionate Communication Skills
We are communicating with one another all the time, even when we may not
realize it - what is our body language saying? We are often unaware of the
impact of our words. What words are we choosing - words that connect us
or words that distance us? See our page on compassionate communication.
Recycling and Upcycling
Many small changes in the way we buy and use things
can add up to some big changes in what we have to
recycle - buying food in bulk, using cloth bags
and glass jars to store things or to carry water, buying
clothing at consignment or thrift shops. We can also
upcycle. Tin cans, paper bags, aluminum foil
make useful household containers and even unique
gifts for family and friends. See our page on
Gift Economics - Sharing Time, Energy and Talents
Offering our talents and energy as a gift creates beautiful social bonds. Gift
Economics includes sharing food, garden produce, creating neighborhood
gift circles and more. See our page on the importance of gift economics.
Organic Backyard Gardening
It is important to be able to grow our own food
as much as we can, anyway. Permaculture is a set of principles that helps us grow healthier
food throughout the year. See our page on creating
a backyard permaculture-style garden.
Partnership Education
If students experience compassionate environments
where they are encouraged to collaborate and share
their voices, they will know how to do this
in their workplaces and communities when they
leave school. See our page on Partnership Education